Homebuilders Association of Greater Austin - Lakeway Chapter
National Association of Homebuilders
Texas Institute of Building Design
- Professional Member
- Past President
American Institute of Building Design
- Member
- House of Delegates Member
Lake Travis Chamber of Commerce
National Council of Building Designer Certification -Proctor
Certified Professional Building Designer
Bee Cave Construction, LLC - (512) 743 4102
Sommerfeld Construction, Inc. (512) 426 7300
Johnny Kleinert, Builder (512) 732 0718
Solara Ridge Builders - Don Purswell, Jr.
Hausman Homes (512) 563 4447
Ginger Auel - Fine Austin Properties
Gene Arant - Keller Williams Realty
Danci Roberts - Keller Williams Realty
Gareth Ellzey - First Place Century 21
Tom Cantalini - Century 21 HSK & Associates
Coral Kennedy - Keller Williams Luxury International
Synergetic Engineering, P.L.L.C.
Mirza Baeg - Professional StruCIVIL Engineers, Inc.
Arch Consulting Engineers, PLLC
Wukasch Designs - 512.756.2028
Chang's Structural/Civil Engineering, PLLC
Commercial Engineering & Land Surveyors
Harp Land Surveying (512) 505 8225
Willis-Sherman Associates, Inc.
All Star Land Surveying (512) 249 8149
Terra Firma Land Surveying (A Division of Jones & Carter, Inc.)
West Surveyors, Inc. (512) 258 6842
Willis-Sherman Associates, Inc.
Republic of Texas Land Surveyors (512) 753-9894
Ginger Maney - Home Designed Interiors
Lori Anderson - Interior Selections
Panache Interiors - Sharon Radovich
Harriet Saikin Interior Design (512) 349 9779
LouAnn Dick, Travis Creek Homes
Botanical Concerns, LLC - Annie Gillespie
Carillo Dean Landscape Architecture
Austin Tree Experts - Keith Brown
The Grass Patch Grass and Landscape Irrigation
Texas Tough Tops Epoxy Flooring
Allen Farnham, CTS - Multimedia Solutions Group
Francisco Gutierrez Electrician - 512-773-8752
Molitor Electric - Dan Molitor
Todd Zuithoff - Southgarden Studios
Jessica Mason - Ironwood Industries
MGI, Mirror Gallery of Austin, Door and Window Supplier
Gayle’s Blind Spot - Shutters and Solar Shades
Hello World,
If you have pulled down and scrolled down to this place on our website you are probably looking for someone to take on a project Janet has declined. While the rumors of my retirement are greatly exaggerated, I am accepting MANY fewer commissions than in the past. So, rather than type similar messages over and over Carter and I decided to just post this informal list of colleagues with our own highly opinionated and non-fact checked bios of the people on the list. (I know a LOT of design professionals so have almost certainly forgotten someone. If you feel you should be on the list, please email me and I’ll see what I can do.) Please look through it and see if any of them look like the right fit for you. They are in no particular order. I would have no idea how to say who is best or worst on the list so you’ll have to figure that part out for yourself. We’ll add websites and other info as we get a chance, but for now, this should get you in contact with them.
Jared Haas: jared.haas@blackrabbit.co 512.474.2544 1110 West Ave. Austin, TX 78701 • Jared is a big fan of the work of Rick Joy and does some stunning modern home design himself. He’s active with the Austin Infill Council and up on City of Austin requirements. (Something I will not miss.) He is a Certified Professional Building Designer qualifying him to work in C of A.
Cammi Klier, CDS Design: cklier@cdshomedesign.com • Has ridden this residential design industry roller coaster in parallel to Hobbs’ Ink for a long time. Also certified, established and talented with lots of both builder and custom experience. A bit of a student of building science, Cammi shows up for virtually any continuing education event I set up. Works in Chief Architect, which gives you 3D capability and interfaces well with some consumer design programs.
Mitch Young, Grand Home Designs: mitch@grandhomedesigns.com • Past President and current treasurer of Texas Institute of Building Design, a great team player, talented designer and all round great guy, based in Ft. Worth. Also, CPBD, I believe.
Jon Carey: jon@joncarey.com • An amazing pitmaster (amazing BBQ. I don’t usually eat red meat unless Jon is the one who cooked it in which case I wouldn’t miss it), Dad and overall family man above all else, a very accomplished designer, the rest of the time, Jon has done more non-residential than a lot of people on this list, is a Texas Accessibility Specialist, has his CPBD certification, has been on Board of Directors and EC of Texas Institute of Building Design more years than either of us would like to admit, is a very caring and capable human who does really solid design work. Based in Georgetown, originally from Victoria, does work all over Texas.
Alicia Norman: Rendell1046@gmail.com • Is one of our remaining employees at Hobbs’ Ink since we downsized. She works half time for us and half time for herself. She has always been our best remodel designer. She does the most accurate as-built drawings and the best documentation for remodel projects. But, she also has a number of new home designs under her belt at this point and won an American Residential Design Award this year, I believe upon entering the competition for the first time. She will underplay her talents but is quite smart, perceptive and capable. She has a secret life as a writer, as well.
Cindy Hill-Cloyd: • Is a designer we’ve worked with for many years, who is also a CPBD and has had experience in working with Austin - CindyHillCloyd@gmail.com Cindy’s attention to detail is head and shoulders over anyone you will ever meet in this business. She worked for Hobbs’ Ink for quite a run in the early 2000’s, after a long career at Venture Four Architects. I believe Cindy can work in both AutoCAD and ArchiCAD, but definitely ArchiCAD
Armando Reyes: armandoereyes@yahoo.com • Is an individual designer who worked for Hobbs’ Ink longer than any other (not counting Janet). He chose to go off on his own when we downsized and sometimes partners up with Alice Hulsey. But, he does do projects totally on his own, as well. (He’s also an accomplished musician having been the drummer for a number of Austin bands.) Feel free to email him about your project!
Luciana Corwin: luciana@ahsdesigngroup.com • Is a wonderful talented lady who has run in the same circles as Janet for a long time. We most recently reconnected at some continuing-ed events. She is also CPBD.
Felicia Foster: felicia@barroncustomdesign.com or (512) 626-7078 • Felicia is VERY up on City of Austin requirements, active with Austin Infill Council, Certified Professional Building Designer and all round great person, also an award winning designer. She and her family moved to Port A during COVID, but she is still quite active in both markets – here and at the coast. She probably has the most experience of any of these designers with builder and developer work.
Traci DiGiorgio Kelley: traci@kelleydesigngroup.com • Moved to Texas from Florida and walked into Janet’s office one day during one of our real estate busts and said, “Could I work here?” Thus began a great partnership that lasted for a number of years. But sadly the lure of self-employment took her away from us and to her own firm a few years later dashing Janet’s hopes for an EARLY retirement. She is also CPBD and active with Austin Infill Council, helped by her capable assistant, Jordan, they do a lot of Austin work.
Sarah Marcoulides: sarah@saltboxstudiodesign.com • Got her start at Danze and Davis but later came to Hobbs’ Ink. She has moved to Colorado where she has established her own firm, but on the way, she worked remotely on Austin projects both through Hobbs’ Ink and Kelley Design Group. Sarah has a great personal style and flare that spills over into her passion for design. She has a great eye and loves to help with selections and colors as well as just the “bones” of the project.
Paul Schoenfield: • An Austin architect we've known for years who does thoughtful work in the City of Austin, so he's familiar with those processes. (512) 228-6140 paul@psaaustin.com Paul spent a good bit of his career at Lake Flato Architects in San Antonio so knows the ropes for more detailed and demanding clients.
Tracey Plagge: mwsplagge@aol.com or (512) 658-0859 • A fellow member of the Texas Institute of Building Design who tells us she specializes in remodels.
Seaux-Pierce Architecture is located in Lakeway and may be a resource there.
David Gostecnik of Design Discoveries II: DD2Inc@aol.com or (512) 331-4800 • David is one of the most talented designers we know. He and Janet have, more than once, alternated between taking 1st and 2nd place in the same design competitions. He was chosen to design a Southern Living Idea House, Parade Houses and all kinds of other things. If he can take your work, you can't go wrong with David. He has moved to the Houston area but still does work here. Also CPBD
Jeff Overman: joverman@austin.rr.com or (512) 472-0975 • Jeff has been doing this about as long as we have and is quite good at it. He even does some contracting himself when the circumstances are just right. He also is quite familiar with City of Austin regulations and is qualified to work there as he is also CPBD.
Jimmy Goen: Infinity Design: (512) 335-5351 Infinity Design Inc. plansbyinfinitydesign.com • Jimmy, also CPBD, is a master with a roll of sketch paper and a marker. He has a huge plan inventory and has been a good friend for a long time. He also has a lot of experience with builder work.
John Stoddard: 512-987-4271 john@jwstoddard.com • Has done some dramatic remodels and new builds in Westlake, Austin and elsewhere and is helped by Archie Cox who was lead designer at Shiflet Group Architects for a long time.
Todd Rice: Todd@riceresidentialdesign.com • Rice Residential Design is based in Houston, a very talented designer with a lot of work in the Memorial School District but who branches out to Austin and into the Hill Country for the right client. Also CPBD, his daughter, Sydney, has been involved with the business for a long time and is pretty much running the place these days. Todd has won so many design awards he makes my trophy cabinet look puny!
Okkem Design + Engineering: www.okkemdesign.com/contact • These guys took one of our plans from bidset to full 3D drawings (which the owners needed so they could visualize it) and City of Austin approval. Maybe Janet can do your preliminary design and you can hire them to do the rest.
Please do your own research and decide for yourself, but this is a pretty good list of designers.
If none of them seems quite right to you, try the directories at these three websites: